Ok Ive had this for almost 2 years not a single update. Its useless Ive used it one time. Its more of a joke plus anyone who has ever owned an iPod or phone will know somethins up and this is yet another one of those gag joke apps I even tried using a scary message on my girls iPod that threatened the police are being notified and location will track them down unless a passcode is typed but it still got stolen and what good does that pic do me if the thief has it?! None what it needs to do is have a multitask option so when in a sketchy area 2 set it down u can easily just use settings and then If its stolen it emails u or something and automatically turns on location and shows u where ur iPod is and who has it. Ive never had2 use this app beside trying it out and had it for yrs and its useless no updates does no good so its just a gag joke maybe its only use is if u remember to set it lettin u know if ur family accessed it or old ppl who dont know plus u have 2 know my password to unlock it anyway so deleting this is my updated review the old one is below about more of the same and somehow he pic quality is trash even in good light idk why. Also if they have to use pics of hot girls for a sale that tells u something I cant believe there now charging 2$ for this useless app I got it free thank God
Mostly it takes pics that r dark one and two of me since Im unlocking it so what do I have to do run this app every time I set my iPod down in an area thats not safe or when I goto sleep. What they need to do is update this big time and make it so that theres an option for it to run in multitasking in the backround and u set an option for it to be on or off. As is its pretty useless since I have to have the app running and the display happens and the camera noise anyone who knows an iPod will know this is a bunk security app. But the way to make it useful would be partner up with find my app and make it so gps location is activated so if someone steels it its protected by password and displays that message then sends u an email of the pic of the person and there location so u can give that info to police and bust them to retrieve ur iPod and it needs to work without wifi in case the person sterling it doesnt just shut it off which is what they would do now if I were the robber Id see the pic get a bit paranoid and go turn off wifi location then delete the app and find my app and delete my pic buy all I could with persons cc or jailbreak if unsuccessful. So there needs to be a mode that takes a pic when u put the setting on not just when u r running the app. Cuz then what Im supposed to somehow know the time someone will try to steel my iPod? And not do anything else but run this app and leave it in sleep mode! No theres so many better ways to utilize this in a real functioning way that works and actually protects ur iPod like in the actual iPod settings menu were location settings and all that stuff like push notifications and just switch it on when in high risk areas or public and have it keep sending pics and the location to ur email in the background especially after failed attempts to unlock it should also maybe have some what of a recognition of some type like of u have brown hair and it sees u all the time and then alibis a sudden a blonde person keeps failing to unlock the screen that should send an alert email with pic and location as well as the warning message sayin caught Ted
Thel33t about Front Cam Alert Spy